Use the following calculations to determine the square feet of your project. You’ll need to know the square feet to help you determine the amount of product needed.
Rectangle = Length X Width
Rectangle Area 0
Circle Area = Radius2 X 3.1416
2 x 3.1416
Circle Area 0
Circumference = Diameter X 3.1416
x 3.1416
Circumference 0
Diameter = Circumference X .31831
x 0.31831
Diameter 0
Use the following calculations to determine the amount of material needed for your project.
Sand for Pavers Tons Needed = (Length X Width) / 200
Sand for Pavers Tons Needed 0
Mulch Yards Needed = (Length X Width) / 130
Mulch Yards Needed 0
Topsoil Yards Needed = (Length X Width) / 150
Topsoil Yards Needed 0
Use the following calculations to determine the amount of material needed for your project.
Fireglass Pounds Needed = (Circle Area X Height) / 19.25
Fireglass Pounds Needed 0